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II Movement Ecology
Brazil Meeting

A capes-print meeting

June 24- July 05, 2019
Registration Deadline:
May 15, 2019
Campo Grande, MS

The Conference

Five-day Course (June 24-28)
One-day Symposium (July 1st)
Four-day Workshop (July 2-5)

Movement Ecology Brazil is the third installment of this conference. It starts with a four day course in new developments in movement ecology, with professors James Forester & Luis Gustavo R. Oliveira-Santos. The course is a discipline of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, and can be used for university credits.


After that, participants can enjoy a one day break in the city that is in the heart of South America. Participants can relax in one of the city many parks and enjoy a teeming wildlife that mix with city life in a unique combination.


Once back with their spirits recharged, the participants can join a one day symposium where the students, professors, and other attendees can discuss the innovations in this dynamic area. 


To finish the conference, the course professors and symposium keynote speakers will get together for a three-day exclusive workshop. Participants can bring data and questions to work side-to-side with the professors, tackling the most challenging analytical problems of movement ecology.


All three events are free, thanks to kind patronage of our sponsors. However, in the interest of keeping the quality of the Course and Workshop, limited to 30 spots each.


In the event there are more people interested than spots, the organizing commission will select individuals through a double-blind process.



The Conference

Keynote Speakers

Luca Borger

University of Swansea
United Kingdom


Luca Borger

University of Swansea
United Kingdom

James_Forester 2.jpg
Juan Morales.jpg

James Forester

University of Minnesota

United States of America

Juan M. Morales

Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Luca Borger

University of Swansea
United Kingdom

The course

The course

Movement ecology by James Forester and allies

This course will be four days of immersion (from morning to night) and will focus on home range, trajectories  and habitat selection, with lectures on the morning and practice in R language on the afternoon. Classes will be given by Professor James Forester, Prof. Luiz Gustavo Oliveira-Santos, Prof. Nina Attias and MSc Jorge F. S. Menezes.

The course will be certified by the Federal University of Mato  Grosso do Sul, and will give credits to Post-Graduate students.

Detailed timetable and course contents

The symposium




08:00-09:00 Animal Movement in Dynamics in a Changing World – Luca Borger

09:00-10:00 Individuals, Populations, and Communities: Linking Animal Movement to Ecological Processes – Juan Morales


10:00 - 10:30 Poster session and Coffee Break



10:30-10:45 Effects of resource distribution in the evolution of animal territory – Jorge F. S. Menezes

10:45-11:00 The role of small fragments and scattered trees as stepping stones to dispersal movement considering perceptual range and movement parameters – Erika Garcez

11:00-11:15 Moving from species-level to community-level analyses in Movement Ecology – Danielle Leal Ramos

11:15-11:30 Applied movement ecology: from individual movement to conservation and restoration of ecosystems - Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr dos Santos


11:30 - 13:00 - Lunch Break



13:00-14:00 Do electric moose dream of drones? Opportunities and challenges of emerging technologies in wildlife research – James Forester



14:00-14:15 Landscape use by giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) by satellite monitoring in Estação ecológica de Santa Barbara, São Paulo State, Brasil - Alessandra Bertassoni

14:15-13:30 Spatial use and conservation of griffon vulture in Iberian Peninsula - Eneko Arrondo

14:30-14:45 Impact of feral goats on insular Mediterranean vegetation - Miguel Ibáñez Álvarez

14:45-15:00 Habitat selection of capybaras in contrasting landscapes - Thiago da Costa Dias


15:00 - 15:30 Poster session and Coffee Break



15:30-15:45 Effects of air temperature on habitat selection and activity patterns of two tropical imperfect homeotherms – Nina Attias

15:45-16:00 Mixed structural resource selection function (mixed-SRSF) for assessing the contribution of different - Zaida Ortega Diago

16:00-16:15 Liking physiology and movement to understand how forest loss affect the

energetic costs of animal thermoregulation - Aline Giroux

16:15-16:30 How do jaguars move through the landscape? Integrated Step Selection and

Movement Analyses applied to jaguar ecology and conservation - Alan Eduardo de Barros


Posters should be 130cm in length and 90 cm wide.

130 cm

90 cm

The Symposium

The workshop

The workshop will focus on solving problems with data and questions brought by the students.​ The main topics will be mechanistic home ranges and  habitat selection.

In the first day, participants will introduce their question and data in 5 minutes presentations followed by 10 minutes discussion. 

On the second and third day, participants will be organized in thematic groups where discussion and data analysis will be encourage by the three professors. The organizing committee will also provide support in data analysis and mediation to ensure participants take most of the their data and time. 

The Workshop



SEDFOR building -

Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do sul

Campo grande, MS, Brazil



To register to part (or all) of the event fill this form.

The form has three parts, one for the course, one for the seminar and one for the workshop.

You only need to fill the data for the events you want to join.


UPDATE: Registration for Course and Workshop, and symposium lectures are closed.

Registrations for presenting Posters or to just attending symposium are open until June 20th



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